About us

The mission of this Joint Cooperation programme on Applied scientific Research (JCAR) is to improve the cooperation on flood and drought management and research in order to Accelerate Transboundary Regional Adaptation to Climate Extremes (ATRACE).

project manager of JCAR ATRACE

Kymo Slager

Dr. Ir. Kymo Slager is Programme Manager of JCAR ATRACE, and an expert in the field of flood risk management. As such Kymo has been involved in several (inter-)national flood risk projects, with focus on countries Netherlands and Bangladesh. In the Netherlands, he advises the competent authorities for the cyclic national implementation of the European Flood Directive for more then 10 years, now. In the past, he played a major role in providing the analytical base for the Dutch national Delta programme on flood risk standards and lead the update of the Dutch national flood impact assessment tool. More recently, he co-led the scientific Dutch Task Force Fact Finding Floods 2021 and provided key support on the assessment of the Dutch Task Force Flooding after the floods of 2021.

chair of the Scientific Programme Council of JCAR ATRACE

Jaap Kwadijk

Prof.dr.Jaap Kwadijk is the chair of the Scientific Programme Council of JCAR ATRACE, and leading scientist in the field of climate change, hydrology, water and flood management. Jaap has been director of Science and chairman of the Scientific Council of Deltares, for the past 10 years. In addition, he is part‑time Professor modelling water management and climate at Twente University. During his career, Jaap has published many high appreciated scientific papers on his work in international river basins (e.g. Rhine, Nile, Meuse), and is seen as one of the groundfathers of the development of the world reknown Delft‑FEWS software and the approach on ‘tipping points’ for climate adaptation. Jaap participates in several scientific boards on water resources issues, as expert reviewer for the European Commission and reviewed reports of WG II and WG III of the IPCC 4th Assessment.

European Research Partners

The following renowned international research institutes work together in this programme:

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